

    发布时间:2024/2/28  浏览次数:473 次  来源:本站

    On February 26th, the International Trade Department of Shanghai Xinran Compressor reported another success: they won two large process compressor units overseas, with a total amount exceeding 10 million yuan.


    After nearly 20 years of accumulation and development, the International Trade Department of Xinran Compressor has agents and offices in more than 40 countries and regions worldwide, as well as independent pre-sales, in sales, and after-sales service teams in multiple countries. Ensure that the Xinran compressor receives good sales and service support in the first time.


    The machine flow rate for Xinran's foreign orders is 100 cubic meters per minute, with a working pressure of 300 kilograms. The unit provided by Xinran is a process high-pressure compressor with ultra-high flow rate and pressure, mainly used in military industry and large-scale high-end manufacturing.


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